One of my favorites has been the Libby app and how nicely it syncs with the Kindle.

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Thanks, Matt! Based on other comments, it seems you're not alone!

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Love this! I am one of those new followers!!! A friend suggested I listen! (I am a big audible!) I am also 2 years 3 months alchol free! My hubby is thrilled that I am currently decluttering!!!!! So he says thank you. Ummmmmm it was embarrassing the number of grocery bags, sunglasses and old cell phones we cleaned out just starting with one section of cabinets at my kitchen desk 😂🙄😳 Grateful he kept his comments to himself😂❤️

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Sounds like you're having an eye-opening experience, Natalie! Congrats on your sobriety ☺️

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Cait your book is transformational. My alcohol free journey of two years has been transformational and your book is exactly what I needed....at exactly the right time. Cheers to my version of dry January ...that was my shopping ban!!!! Thank you

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Libby app is my fav for audiobooks from the library (ebooks too). Not sure if it works with UK libraries however.

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Sadly, I don't think so. I only mentioned BorrowBox above, because that's the one my library uses. Thanks for sharing though, Laura! Your comment could be helpful for someone else ☺️

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I’m a Libby user as well! My library also has Hoopla. There are some books not on either of those, so I did sign up for Audible on a holiday deal they ran (3 months for 99 cents). I’m planning to cancel after the deal is over, so excited to hear what other services people use!

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They've gotten me with those deals many times!

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I love the kindness woven throughout this post. Such a more expansive mindset than cutting things out as a “punishment” as you said! I have totally been guilty in the past. Put my Amazon membership on hold this month, seeing how long I can go. It feels empowering to just take a break sometimes🤍

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Couldn't agree more, Anna. There's so much to learn in a pause.

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This is why I keep subscribing... I love to read what you write! It's humorous, intelligent, thoughtful, and well worth it. Thanks!

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Thanks for the feedback, Sally! I've actually been trying to let my humour come through a bit more, recently. It's nice to know some people appreciate it ☺️

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Love this so much!!! I "used" to use Amazon only for books as well. This year, I used it for my Christmas gifts for my parents. All of the sudden--I am not even kidding, this is why I'm commenting--I am starting to realize how online shopping works as a 43-year-old woman. I usually like to "see, touch, smell, etc.," the things I buy but life is so busy. Working full-time M-F 8:30-4:30, I am starting to loathe my new intentional three grocery store run on Saturdays with the outlet, the next cheapest store, and the most expensive store for what I can't get/my favorites elsewhere. Saturday is my only "free" day so I am considering with my "new knowledge" from bloggers I've followed forever who always post about great deals and I've been faithfully reading for years, but I finally bought two winter coats for $7 and $24 on clearance, a $1.49 blanket (still wondering if it will cover my big toe and that is why it's so "cheap"), and snacks due to the snow day last week. I am still being VERY intentional. Hello, my name is Heidi and I'm still a low-income earner whose dog sitting side hustle has somewhat exploded as of 2024 with word-of-mouth recommendations. Also, I don't want a full fridge of groceries when I'm gone dog sitting at other people's houses. I mean obviously, Christmas and New Years were booked with multiple bookings but now I have a bit of a break until next week. So much more info than you wanted/needed to know, ha! But just saying I am noticing how this COULD get out of hand so I have applied the brakes a bit because nothing like solid three days of nothingness (pure bliss and I want to know how to integrate more "free time" into my schedule, I loved it!!!) but also clicking "add to cart" really is as easy as they said it would be. Ha! I just resonate with this so much! This is why I very intentionally follow three "online" spaces because you all add value to my life and give me things to think about. I had cooled down on commenting but here I am in all of my glory commenting with way too much detail as usual.

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Ha, well you're safe to comment here, Heidi! I think I got a little lost along the way though. Are you saying you're doing more online shopping, because you want some of your time back? (There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, just trying to clarify!)

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Oops, just saw this due to commenting on another Substack. How cool is this world?! I'm just now getting into all of this. Yes, I tend to go off on tangents. That never helped my journalism career either, ha. Yes, I think that is a good summary of what I was saying in I am buying more online to give me more time back. Perfect summary!

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Another vote for Libby! If you still have your Canadian library card(s), you can set them all up in the app so you have access to audiobooks in each library's collection. Some libraries remove your account after a few years, but some don't, and I love that I can still access audiobooks from my hometown and previous-home libraries (shoutout to Richmond and Vancouver Public Libraries!) even though I now live far away.

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The Greater Victoria Public Library deleted my account last year 😭 I was devastated, Heather! I'm sure you can understand, haha.

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I also recommend the Libb app! Your library might also offer downloadable books.

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Thanks, Marlena!

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It’s also nice to check if your local library system has any reciprocal/partner libraries. Where I live, I think I could get like 10 different library cards for neighboring cities and counties, at least for digital items and resources. My libraries use the Libby and overdrive apps.

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Yes, mine is somewhat similar! My tiny local library has access to something like 40 libraries in the county. There's still not a LOT available up here in the North (an area with higher rates of deprivation than the rest of England). But it's nice to not be limited to just one library!

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I enjoyed your book! It made me decide to clean out my closet and start living with less!! Thank You!!!

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I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Sherry! ❤️

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Highly recommend Libby for library books if you can access it through your local library. Much prefer Libro.fm over Audible for audio books. As a former bookseller, I can confirm that the company are lovely and provide greater support for local booksellers. If your fav independent bookseller has a Libro.fm account, you can use their Libro.fm link and buy audio books through them. Libro.fm will then give the bookseller a cut of the purchase. I really dislike Amazon for how much they've monopolised the book industry, so love to support alternatives like Libro.fm.

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Ahhh that's great to hear about Libro.fm, Kim! They were top of my list, then someone else told me about BookBeat who I'd never heard of before. But ok, when I need/want to buy my next audiobook, Libro.fm it will be! Thanks for the insider info!

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It is funny I only got prime for the streaming and the ordering became the problem.

While I will keep prime for now, I am being mindful of the spending part of it all!

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And then what's funny to me is I barely watched anything on Prime Video. I've had access to it, but couldn't seem to find much I liked. This is a great example of how/why we use things so differently, and all our decisions are personal!

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I enjoy the Libby app, too.

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Thanks, Denny!

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I loved this commentary Cait.

I'm a library aficionado and have been since childhood when I lived in a small town of 35,000 with a Carnegie library.

Last night I finished Ina Garten's memoir since I have developed a love of cooking simple and nutritious food. I once bought every book that caught my interest until I had too many since I have limited space in my small condo.

I also have a metal French Press and it's the only way I make my morning coffee. I dislike machines so it mets my criteria!

I'm thrilled that your book is doing well per your statistics. I used to work in the book industry in my twenties, long before the internet, and every week someone from the NYT's would call to see what our bestsellers were! I still use Amazon Prime because it's convenient for me in case of illness but I still purchase food at our local farmer's market and I don't have a television, by choice, so like it for the to films.

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Sounds like you know what works best for you, Sandra! Also sounds like we used to be the same (I also used to own A LOT more books than I ever read...) 🙃

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I loved both your post and Dana’s post regarding Amazon. I’ve always been a casual Amazon user but like many others have recently become more anti-Amazon. However, I just purchased three things my kid needed for band on Amazon. The teacher sent the links for exactly what was needed and since I don’t know anything about a bari saxophone, I gladly hit “Add to Cart.” I agree about being more intentional about what and where I purchase and for this situation Amazon was the right choice. Most other times it probably won’t be. Cheers!

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For what it's worth, I would've done exactly the same thing, Jessica! Especially when kids are in the mix, there's ENOUGH to think about in a day!

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